Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Just a quick update while the pizza's in the oven...

I am very nearly done with that damned baby blanket. It is likely that if I ever look at Homespun yarn again, I will throw up on it. On purpose. Anyway, I am two garter ridges and a bind-off away from being done. Then I can wash it and send it off to my old boss. Nice.

I hate my coworker. Like a whole lot. I'm sure it's just temporary, and soon I will go back to being okay with her, but right now... I could strangle her and not lose any sleep over it. Luckily, she has taken next week off, so I will get a much needed break from her stupidity.

The cat's butt still isn't quite right. It went like this: I found he had some sketchy poop back on the Friday the 7th. On Monday, when it didn't clear up with a bit of rice over the weekend, I called the vet. Brought him in Tuesday the 11th. He was given a week's worth of antibiotics. By the 18th, it still wasn't gone so I called back. They said to give him plain rice and boiled chicken. A few days later, it still hadn't cleared up. I called the following Friday, and they said to come pick up a probiotic to add to his food. Got that Saturday the 22nd. Yesterday I noticed that his poop was looking even a little worse than before. Called vet again, brought him in today. Learned that the probiotic will take about two weeks to kick in, and was given special food in case it's an allergy. Yeesh. I feel so bad for the little guy. Luckily, his funky poo isn't as bad as it could be- he's still only going once or twice a day, and it's not totally explosive diarrhea. He even gained a third of a pound since his last visit to the vet. Hopefully the probiotic and the new food will do the trick. Right now he is super pissed at me for dragging him to the vet, though. He's been sulking upstairs ever since we got home (except for dinner time, of course).

Everything else is pretty much the same. Pizza's ready, gotta go.

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