Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Continued

Saturday was loads of fun. My in-laws sent us a little Christmas cash, and after some consideration, Scott and I decided to split it down the middle. Scott bought some sort of motorcycle helmet radio thing, and I drove straight to Toys'R'Us. I bought three awesome things, shown here in order of ascending awesomeness.

First is the pine tree. I saw this little "grow your own pine tree" thing, and I've always wanted to try growing my own bonsai tree. It should sprout in about two weeks, and the info says it will grow quickly. It's an Austrian Pine, which is supposed to be pretty hearty.

Next is the Aquasaurs. I was originally looking for Sea Monkeys, but couldn't find them. Man, are they awesome. These are technically triops, which are little crustaceans like brine shrimp (sea monkeys), except these grow up to two inches long... way bigger than sea monkeys! I put the eggs in the water last night, and this morning Scott and I counted about three. They are insanely tiny, and very hard to see, so it's hard to get an accurate count. Plus, obviously they keep swimming around which doesn't make it easier. Right now there are at least ten, and they are already getting bigger. According to the instructions, only 1-4 will live to adulthood, and they live 30-90 days. I'm totally obsessed with watching the little suckers swim around. I can't wait till they get bigger!

And the most awesome: Robosapien!! He's a robot, and full of win. He comes with a remote, and can do lots of awesome stuff. He does kung foo moves, walks forward and backward, turns around, burps, farts, hi-fives, and is programmable to move however you want. He's about a foot tall, and can hold a paper towel tube in his hands. He can pick up and throw things, but he's not very good at it. And the best part is how much he confuses and infuriates the dog. It's hilarious- Spencer really hates robots.

He came with a miniature version of himself, which we believe to be possessed. The little one is about 6 inches high, and doesn't work. He's supposed to walk when you flip his switch on, but mine doesn't do anything. We put the batteries in and nothing. But earlier today I ran upstairs for a second, and when I came back down, he was walking across the table. I put him on the floor, and he stopped. We left him switched on, and so far he hasn't come back to life, but I'm sort of afraid to leave him alone. He may be plotting a robot coup.

Now I really want Robosapien V2, so they can fight each other. Also, I need to think of a name for mine. He's so great.

In keeping with my recent juvenile fascination, I thought it would be fun to go rollerskating today. Scott tried to convince me it was a bad idea, as roller skates are dangerous... but I didn't listen. I've had this pair of skates for seven years, and only wore them maybe twice. So this morning I put them on and ventured into the parking lot. Everything was fine until I met a gentle slope. Then shit hit the fan. I sped up, lost control, and fell backwards on my ass. I struggled to get up while some neighborhood kids laughed their asses off. It quickly became apparent that attempting to continue down the hill would mean certain death, so I turned around and went uphill. As soon as the ground leveled out, I fell forward. I'm not sure which fall did it, but my elbow is all jacked up. I did manage to make it home (all before the first song on my iPod was over), but was pretty disappointed. Guess it would be better to find a roller rink, where there are no elevation changes or rocks or gum. And maybe get some wrist guards.

Hopefully my minor injuries won't keep me from knitting or making cookies this week. But even if that's the case, at least I have some new toys to keep me entertained.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


It has been an interesting Christmas season. Everybody got their cookies, and said they liked them, which is good. The Christmas party at work was very boring, but the food was good. Some people said they didn't recognize me at first. Guess I clean up pretty good.

We decorated the house, which turned out nice. We got these ornaments from Scott's parents, and they are so cute! One is a for a motorcyclist, and one is for a knitter:

Sorry my picture sucks. One snowman says, "To knit or not to knit- Is this a trick question?" And the other says, "If I'm riding a motorcycle, I'm happy!" And there is a little charm hanging from one arm.

Last week was sort of quiet at work for a change. On Thursday, my coworker and I went to Target- she wanted to get a couple gifts for our bosses, and I was charged with getting a card for my laid off boss's boss. While there, she kept asking what I'd like for Christmas, and I kept telling her "Nothing!" Afterwards we popped into TJ Max where she continued her inquisition. Eventually I pointed at a box of chocolate-covered cranberries, and said "How about those?" She grudgingly purchased them (apparently it was too cheap...) and I assumed she'd wrap them up and give them to me the next day with others' gifts. Fast forward to Friday. She comes in that morning and hands me a small Victoria's Secret bag, with the candy poking out the top. I figured she just used whatever bags she had around, and pulled out the cranberries and thanked her. Later that afternoon, I looked in the bag and saw these:

My first thought was that she accidentally left them in the bag, so I looked around, noted that she and I were the only ones around, then pulled them out and give her an inquisitive look. She says, "Oh you didn't see them before?" (meaning when I pulled out the candy). The look on her face told me that the gift was, in fact, very intentional. "No... (surprised) Are they for me?" "Yeah! Do you like them? I couldn't find the matching bra..." "Um... yes, they're really cute! Thanks!" Omg. I should add that my coworker is from very rural Asia, and often has a different perspective on things like giving your coworker lacy underthings. So I smiled and told her how nice the undies were (they are cute). And now I have a funny story.

I spent the weekend knitting, and learned to make white bread (it's easy and tasty!). My hands and right arm/shoulder feel like they're going to fall off due to the knitting and kneading, but it was worth it. On Monday I roasted a whole chicken, and made soup from the bones on Tuesday. This is funny in that I seem to have lost all meat-related squeamishness- I was a vegetarian for about 8 or 9 months, and never did well with the reality of meat (the closer it looked to it's original source, the less I wanted to eat it). But now, apparently, I don't care. While rinsing the raw bird, I even saw little bits of what I assumed to be organs stuck to the inside and it didn't bother me at all. After straining the broth, I picked through the bones/meat/everything else and again, was not phased. Weird, but whatever... it's just meat.

This morning, Santa brought me this bad boy:

Ensuring that next week will be filled with copious amounts of bread, cookies, and meringue. I'd like to knit it a cover, but I don't want to hide it. Now I have visions (or perhaps delusions) of making a cover out of clear vinyl. Maybe somebody already makes one! I'm off to go look... Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Some Good News and Bad News

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted to this blog. A lot has happened since October! The Christmas cactus bloomed, although quite a while before Christmas:

It was really pretty and the flowers weren't anything like I expected. Unfortunately they have since all fallen off, but we'll look forward to seeing them next year.

We had a really great Thanksgiving this year. We stayed at home and relaxed with our traditional dinner (mostly from boxes and cans).

The good people at my local Giant were awesome. Usually they carry a frozen boneless turkey breast that is perfect for Scott and I. It even comes with a little packet of gravy starter! But they didn't have any the day before Thanksgiving, which really bummed me out as Scott won't eat meat if it's still on a bone. However, they did have turkey breasts on the bone, and the guy at the butcher counter was happy to de-bone it for me. And for the first time ever, we made gravy successfully. The whole weekend was full of win.

The four day weekend was desperately needed, as work has been insane. We've got more contracts open than ever before, and everyone wants their crap yesterday. I've been working late every night for the past few weeks (except the week of Thanksgiving, where there would be no overtime pay) and it is so tiring. Then to make things a little more stressful, my company laid off 6 people. For three of them (it seems) this wasn't as horrible as it seemed because they got very generous severence packages. Two others looked pissed and dissapointed and I didn't see the last guy. I feel really bad for those last three guys; their severance probably didn't rock to much. The two I knew hadn't been with the company for even a year, and weren't executives or anything. It's sad that this had to happen right before the holidays, but I also know the company didn't really have a choice.

This is the second time I've survived company layoffs, and I'm told I won't have to worry for quite some time as my department is doing pretty well and needs me. What does worry me is this: My division consisted of a VP, Director, 2 Managers, and 3 others including myself before the layoffs. Post-layoffs, the division is, well, gone. Now there is just my manager, my coworker and me. It's very surreal to go into work one day and the entire division (however small) is gone, and my department has gone from 4 to 3 people.

On the bright side, I get an office now. There will be three free, and I've got mine all picked out. Hopefully I can keep the scavengers away... My boss says he'll call IT next week to get my phone number switched over and computer set up. I hope it works out- right now I've got a table as a desk, a plastic beaker in which to keep my pens, and I put my purse on a box of Kimwipes. Having a desk with drawers would be nice. And it only took me 3 years of hard work to get one!

In other work news, I'm going to the company Christmas party for the first time ever. I had to buy a new outfit and shoes, which was annoying. But it's cute, and makes me look like a grown up. Plus it looks good with my glasses. I've been wearing my glasses for past couple weeks because I'm out of contacts and have been too busy to make it to the eye doctor. Now I'm thinking of wearing them exclusively because people treat me less like an idiot when I wear them.

Speaking of Christmas, I made cookies yesterday. We can't afford lots of gifts this year, so everyone is getting cookies. I did make one special cookie to be included in my brother (and sister)-in-law's tin:

Just ignore my husband's notation. And I'd like to take a moment to thank the inventor of parchment paper. I love it more than anything else.

Cookie making was really fun this year. Usually something goes horribly wrong, but this time I had Christmas music, a dusting of snow, and no disasters. Very nice.

That's it for now. I'll try not to go another 6 weeks without posting this time.