Saturday, March 13, 2010

Another Kitten Update

Well, if you're here looking for kitten squees, you're going to be disappointed. Neither kitty gets to come home until the 21st. It seems one of the other kittens in the litter came down with a nasty parasite. All 5 in the litter are being treated (just in case), and their vet wants them to stay with Foster Mom until next weekend for observation. But now they'll get to come home together, and healthy. Still, the waiting is driving me nutty.

In the meantime, I guess I'll knit. I've got three projects going: a pair of socks with self-patterning yarn, a commissioned baby blanket for my boss with Homespun, and a wrap for myself with some sock yarn from last years Sheep and Wool. I'm trying to get the wrap done for a wedding Scott and I are going to on the 26th, but that might be pushing my abilities... There's only one way to find out!

Also, FYI: only 49 days until Sheep and Wool. Start saving your pennies.

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