Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Not Very Novembery Out...

I could not be a more beautiful day today. The sun is shining, it's about 70 deg outside, and there is a light breeze- just enough to move a little air through the house without blowing papers all over the place. Perfect. It is a little odd to shop in stores decked out for Christmas- it just feels wrong to be staring at Christmas crap when it's so warm out. But anyway, it was nice enough to drive around with the windows off the Jeep! Wheee!

I wonder if there is going to be a big cold snap soon. Our first year in MD, there was a week or so of temps in the 20s during November. And I remember freezing my ass off the next year, standing in line on Black Friday (I claim temporary insanity, and won't be doing that ever again)(unless some retail genius includes warm breakfast)(for free). Then again, last year I don't think we turned on the heat until December... So who knows. In any case, I just hope the rain backs off for a while- there's nothing more miserable than cold rain.

Last week Scott bought me a backpack for the Jeep, because if the windows are out or if the top is down, you can't leave anything in it. It definitely came in handy today as I ran errands, plus I can put my knitting in it! It's a Timbuk2 Q, which will probably last forever. It's got a crapload of pockets, and I loves me some pockets! I forgot how much I love using a backpack instead of a purse. That husband of mine sure knows how to treat a girl right.

As for knitting, I've finished all but two Christmas gifts. And yes, that is pretty awesome. The last two are the most time-consuming, but I have nearly a month left so it shouldn't be a problem. And I ordered a small amount of yarn to make myself a Jeep hat, and possibly also some matching mittens. Now if only the cold weather would get here so that the holiday season will feel a little more normal, and so we can all enjoy our knitwear!

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