Cass came out in August, and we had a great time. She got to shoot the shotgun, and she took us for a spin around the block. Way back on the day that Cass and I first met, she learned how to ride a bike without training wheels. Now she's driving a car. Freaky.
Scott wants to get me new car for our anniversary, so I’ve been researching and test driving a couple cars. I’ve pretty much settled on one, but I’m not telling what it is lest I jinx myself (I am very prone to jinxing).
There has been some knitting, but I don’t think I’ve really finished anything. I am working on a pair of socks for one of Scott’s friends, Joe. He was in a motorcycle accident this summer, and burned up one of his feet pretty badly, so one sock is plain black and the other has flames on the cuff. Lolz. I am promised that he won’t find this horrifically offensive.
I finally got tattooed again. A rose that was started back in like 2002 or 2003 was finished, and once it’s healed up its twin will be done as well. I was a total whiny griper last time, but this time I was a good little customer and sat still and whine-free through the whole thing. Apparently, at 21 it didn’t occur to me that being a pain in the ass would make Scott less likely to want to tattoo me further. Hopefully he now thinks otherwise.
Scott wants to open his own shop in the next few years. As a tattoo artist, it’s really the logical thing to do business-wise. You can only get so far working for someone else, you know? Of course, this means a lot of planning, changes, and work for both of us. As with any small business, the first year can be tough, and we’ll definitely still need my income, but after the shop is established I get to quit my job and become a full time Shop Wife. That is, I'd take care of whatever stuff Scott doesn't have time to do- mostly office type work, taxes, etc. I both love and deeply fear this idea. It’s sort of scary to think of how badly it could affect the business (and possibly our marriage) if I fuck it up in some epic way. But if I do a decent job, I will have a job I love, no boss, and never have to worry about whether my tattoos will be a problem at work ever again. And I DO hope to get a lot more work done (hence the importance of not being a whiner). And did I mention I get to quit my job? Mwah hahahaha!
Well, I get to quit my job assuming that I still have one. There were more layoffs at work a couple weeks ago, and things are pretty much at a standstill. Not to mention we have a new CEO who knows nothing about what it is we do in our little department. He’s been at the company since March, and has yet to even step foot in the lab. The old CEO is still hanging around and helping with the transition, but it wouldn’t surprise me if we got cut loose shortly after he leaves for good... if not right away, then as soon as we become any sort of hassle for him.
I've been attempting to learn the Tarot, which is actually pretty challenging. Oh! But there's a finished knitting project involved! I knit a little Tarot Card Sack to keep my deck nice and cozy...
Tarot bags are supposed to help keep the metaphysical mojo from escaping your deck while it's not in use. Mine is knit with SWTC Therapi, which is a wool, silk, and jadeite (aka jade)(yes, the mineral)(I don't how they do it either) blend, and I used the skull chart from Son of Stitch and Bitch by Debbie Stoller, with a 2 stitch i-cord for the drawstring.
My deck is the Deviant Moon deck, designed by Patrick Valenza. His artwork is freaking awesome. You can get it from his site, or from a zillion other places online- but if you get it directly from him, he will sign the cover card. Anywho, learning the cards is going to take a long time, but I'm not really in any hurry.
So that’s about it. Not terribly exciting, but there it is.
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