Thursday, June 25, 2009

Time really flies on by me these days. I think it has something to do with the new schedule... Monday sucks, but then Tuesday and Wednesday are interesting since they're Scott's days off, and then suddenly it's Thursday which is almost the end of the week. Fridays are my favorite day, even at work, because you have the whole weekend in front of you. And knit night is Friday! Then the weekend always goes by too fast, and it all starts over again. Crazy! So here it is, Thursday again.

Scott finally got his bike back this week, and they never could figure out what was wrong with it. Everyone is leaning towards an oil overfill, done by a shady tech that has since been fired. In any case, Scott is happy to have his Ducati back and probably extra happy that there was no real damage. Oh, and funny thing: the ring from the last post fit him perfectly. The woman at the store just boxed up the one from the display case, and it fits. Perfectly. Weird!

Summer is in full swing, with temperatures in the nineties all week. Gah. I sometimes wonder if I am just not genetically suited to this weather. My mother was German, 100%. My father was German, Swedish and English. Perhaps I would be better off in a Northern European setting. I understand that Swedish summers are short, and a quick check of Stockholm's average temperature in July reveals a comfortable 73 degrees! And the lows in January are 28 degrees. I think this is perfect. It's settled then... First I learn Swedish, then I run away. Maybe I can become a reindeer herder or something.

For now, I'll just think snowy thoughts and hide in air conditioned buildings. Only 89 days until Fall!

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