Wednesday, June 17, 2009

iPhone Posting

This is my first attempt at blogging from the iPhone! It's sort of a pain, honestly, but work is incredibly slow and I'm bored and the Internet connection at the office is incredibly slow today.

Anywho, things are much less hectic and Scott is settling into his new job nicely. Our schedules conflict, which is sort of a good and bad thing. The bad part is that we have less time together, since we don't have the same days off. I estimate that there are about 24 hours during the week that we can spend together- meaning time when neither of us is working, commuting, or sleeping. On the plus side, I rather enjoy solitude, and not having to cook dinner (or feeling like I have to).

Life without the tv is actually less productive than it was with the tv. I seem to remember this happening last time too, but it went away after an adjustment period. But right now, I spend a ridiculous amount of time on the computer. Hopefully that won't last too much longer.

That's all for now. Typing too much on this thing makes me nutty. :P

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