Saturday, January 12, 2008

Saturdays are Fun

Today was a good day. It was filled with cookies and football- what more could a girl ask for? Ok, so maybe I went a bit nutty with the cookies...

I made two batches, or approximately 10 dozen cookies, and don't plan on sharing with anyone but my husband. I don't care how fat I get. I fucking love cookies- especially homemade chocolate chip cookies.

While I was making them, I watched the Packers win. Now, I'm from IL so there is a chance an angry mob of Bears fans will come lynch me for saying this, but... I just love Bret Favre. He embodies everything professional athletes should be. He truly loves the sport, he's been with his team for 16 years, and he epitomizes good sportsmanship. And the guy just kicks ass. I heart him, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy to see him succeed.

And my little man has been keeping me company all day while the husband has been out and about. He got a big tin full of treats for Christmas, and he loves them so much- I might be giving him too many, too often. He's getting to be a real sausage. But with a face like this, who could resist?

This past week I started working out, and it just made me exhausted and sore. Sleeping in this morning never felt so good! I can't wait to sleep in again tomorrow.

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