Monday, October 6, 2008

My Favorite Goblin

My pug, Spencer, turned 7 today. He's small, so I think that's late-middle age for a dog. Little gray hairs are popping up with more frequency, but he doesn't seem to be slowing down much. I made a cake for his birthday:

Spencer really loves his weiner. Even though he's fixed, he gives himself the ol' rub and tug often and with great zeal. He has no shame.
Yes, my frosting letters are improving... thank you for noticing.

Back to little Spencer, he also received a new hippo (to replace the smelly old one) and a new collar. He's had the same collar for a few years now (we get him a new one about once a year) but they were out of them today, so now he has a snazzy green stripey collar. I think he likes it better.

In honor of his birthday, I give you a list of the weird things I call Spencer:
1. Stinkerbell
2. Stinkerella
3. Smelly Belly
4. Stinker
5. Little Man
6. Bunny
7. Little Bear
8. Bunny Bear
9. Knob Goblin
10. Tough guy

He really is a Goblin. In fact, Spencer is remarkably gross for such a little dog. He snores, farts, blows snot on you, has terrible breath, drools, snorts, and makes gross hacking noises every now and then. But he's our little stinky goblin, and we love him bunches. Happy birthday, little man.

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