Sunday, July 6, 2008

Das FURminator ist gut!

If you've never heard of it, the FURminator is a deshedding tool, which claims to reduce shedding up to 90%. I picked one up at Petsmart a couple months ago, after hearing a lot of praise on the innerwebs. Little Spencer has a fondness for napping on the couch, which leaves a nice sprinkling of black fur all over it, and they say it will totally reduce the amount of fur on the couch (or carpet, tile, whatever). I nearly choked when I saw the price ($30!), but it comes with a guarantee, so what the hell, right?

Spencer was a little confused at first, because his last brush was this one, which didn't really require, um, delicacy. But the FURminator is sort of sharp and pointy... I didn't want to injure my little man, so it became imperitive that he sat still. I can't imagine raking through his fur as roughly as the video on the FURminator website- I tend to be really ginger as to not mess up his skin. But holy crap does that little brush do a great job! Look at what I pulled out of my little piglet:
For reference, the brush is 6 inches long. I should have taken a shot from the side too, because the pile is probably two inches high. And Spencer is a twenty pound pug. That's a lot of fur. The little sucker works pretty well! I really notice a difference in the week following a brushing. There's definately less fur scattered around the kitchen (where it shows the most), and less on the couch too. Best $30 I ever spent! So if you own something that sheds, don't hesitate to get one.

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