2. Complaining (rather profusely) about work. I hate my job the past couple weeks. But it's not the first time that's happened, and in the past it has eventually gotten less sucktastic. The problem seems to be that when it does get better, it doesn't go back to 100%, so there is still, overall, a downward trend in occupational happiness.
3. I shot my shotgun for the first time a while ago. It was the most awesome thing I've ever done. My shoulder hurt for three days afterward, but it was totally worth it. I'd really like to shoot some other guns to see what they're like (handgun, rifle, etc.). I also want to acquire more guns, and build my own little arsenal. Not like the crazy-militia-hiding-in-a-bunker sort of arsenal, but just a nice, well-rounded collection.
4. Watching American Gothic on Hulu. It's a TV series from the mid-90s, which only lasted one season. It's sort of difficult to sum up, but mostly it's about a boy whose family dies, and the creepy sheriff that takes a special interest in him (but not in a pedophile kind of way). There are some sort of supernatural happenings going on, but I'm only a few shows in, and don't have that figured out yet. In any case, the show takes place in the South (one of the Carolinas, I think), and it TOTALLY makes me want to run away to the South. Unfortunately, my strong distaste for hot weather leaves me with conflicted feelings. But I've been trying to pick up some lingo (like "thank you kindly" and "I reckon") and may insist that people call me by both my first and middle names. The fact that Scott now works in Virginia is promising, as Virginia is undoubtedly part of The South.
5. Thinking about cars. Scott needs a car this winter (we won't be able to carpool on days too nasty for the motorcycle), so we're going to have to get something. Our options are to either buy a cheap beater for Scott to drive once in a while, or buy something nice (sort of making our current car the beater). Part of me wants to buy something that is new, practical, safe, and that gets good gas mileage. Another part of me just wants to buy something new, but totally impractical and fun, because I've only ever driven family sedans. And yet another part of me says, "Oh, just buy a used Civic or something!" Decisions, decisions.
6. Rediscovering why I don't really eat ice-cream cones anymore. In a fit of whimsy, I bought some cones at the grocery store today. Unfortunately, the Breyer's Mint Chocolate Chip I got to put in the cones has some cohesion issues. I can't get it to form a rounded scoop. It just keeps sort of breaking apart, which is really quite frustrating. Or when I finally get a nice scoop, it sticks rather stubbornly to the inside of the scooper. I'm going back to the bowl, thankyouverymuch.