I've discovered that I have a possibly horrible perception of sugary toppings... several weeks ago I noticed a half-eaten container of Cool Whip was about to go bad. We didn't have anything to put it on, and I didn't want to throw it out, but it seemed wrong to eat it straight out of the tub. My solution? Put rainbow sprinkles on it. Cool Whip, while traditionally considered a "topping," ceases to be a topping by putting another topping on it. Now it is a tasty snack. Later I applied this same rationale to some leftover frosting: eating frosting straight out of the container is wrong, but add some rainbow sprinkles and Voila! Tasty snack. Today I took it one step further. We didn't have any leftover toppings, so I melted down a square of semi-sweet baker's chocolate and put rainbow sprinkles on that. Delicious.
Our elderly Greek neighbors have been yelling at each other all day again. Part of me is annoyed, and part of me really wants to learn Greek so I can figure out what they're saying. It could be really good ("Stop fucking my sister!"), but it could also be not fun at all ("This is the wrong kind of Metamucil!"). It's really a gamble as to whether it's worth learning another language. Maybe I'll just find a book on how to swear in Greek and start from there. After all, if they're not yelling obscenities at each other, how good can it be?
Speaking of obscenities, I've been experimenting with baking:
The weather finally cooled down. I'm actually a little cold today, and last night I had to turn the heat on in the car- now that's exciting. Suddenly I'm very excited about knitting, and Halloween (which I'm taking off this year, just for funsies), and Thanksgiving... I love Thanksgiving more than life itself. Gasp! I just realized that September is nearly over. I have to go knit something.