Saturday, February 9, 2008

Home Inspection Complete!

Today we had our home inspection! And our closing has been scheduled for next Friday- just twenty days from when we first saw the house. The whole thing moved pretty smoothly and quickly, and was a lot easier than we thought it would be. We credit much of this ease to our awesome real estate agent, Julie Saxon of Macintosh Realty.

For anyone who feels intimidated by buying a place for the first time let me tell you, it was so easy. Here is my summary of events: First we found a house on January 27th. Then we contacted a real estate agent (Julie) that night, and she put us in contact with a lender (who we also talked to that night). On the 28th, we met with both those ladies, and signed several papers. There were a few phone calls over the next couple weeks, where Julie would tell us everything was going great. Eventually Julie told us to make an appointment for a home inspection, and gave us some names to choose from. She was there for the inspection, and now she will take care of our appraisal. We just show up for the closing on Friday. That's it- easy peasy! Apparently this is a great time to buy, with all the foreclosures going on and such- especially if it's your first place and don't have to worry about selling your own place.

Anyhoo, today was the inspection and we took pictures! Here is our new place- keep in mind we only have the top two levels (the bottom level is someone else's house).

And from the side:

Our inspection began on the deck, in the closet that houses the furnace and water heater. We learned two things: drug dealers do not use furnace filters (so we have to have the furnace serviced and cleaned), and the drug dealers were making some money on the side stealing scrap copper. Business must have been bad.

But the view off to the side is nice...

Then we moved inside to the kitchen, where Larry Hood (the inspector, duh) checked out the electric stuff

And our washer and dryer
And the rest of the kitchen, including all the appliances and cabinets.

We looked at the downstairs powder room (you can't see the skeeviness in the photo, but trust me it's there).
I feel like I should also note the state of the carpet- it pretty much looks like this everywhere.
And check out our view from the living room. There's a big park across the street, so we're hoping nothing will be built there for as long as we own the place.

We also have an actual dining area- which means we'll have a place to put our table! And there's Julie our real estate agent. We like her bunches.

Next we went upstairs. The view from the master bedroom is the same as the living room, but one floor higher. Very nice.

And we'll have separate closets- one comes with two pairs of broken sunglasses!

The master bath will be Scott's bathroom

And mine will be the one in the hall.

My bathroom comes with what appears to be gum on the floor.

There are two other bedrooms, but they are tiny and difficult to photograph, so just know that they exist. One will be my knitting room, and the other will be Scott's office/guest room.
Here I am on the stairs.

And here we both are- two gooney homeowners (almost).

We're pretty stoked. After the inspection (which turned up no major problems), the place doesn't seem as bad as when we first saw it. In fact, after a good scrubbing it won't be any worse than our apartment now. I guess that's it for now... I'll update again when we close!

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