Monday, February 14, 2011


It turns out that going to the grocery store on Valentine's Day while in the midst of a painful separation is not a good idea. It is filled with amorous people buying flowers, chocolates, and ingredients for romantic meals. You might wind up going back to your Jeep and sobbing quietly into your bag of pickles, malted milk balls, and pads; and wondering where it all went wrong.

But then, if you are lucky, you might return home to find that your awesome sister has sent you (and only you- not "Mr. & Mrs.") a Valentine's Day card, signed by each of your 4 favorite nieces and nephews, and it will make your entire day, week, and probably month.

Valentine's Day still sucks though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guarantee you, things will get better. I like to call, what you are going through right now, necessary growing pains. Yes, it is painful but you will emerge from this a stronger, more confident, intuitive person who will accept nothing but what you truly deserve.................and that is, the best of what life has to offer.