Exhibit A:
Apologies for the crappy webcam photo, we didn't have a digital camera back then. Anyways, they were super cute, but I had them all waxed and rubber-banded and they were so freakin' itchy and I got impatient... and they came out. I had them for about 3-4 weeks total. Poor Scott worked so hard to make them, and I sat for an afternoon with a bottle of conditioner and brushed those suckers out.
Unfortunately, now the longest bits of my hair are approximately three inches long. It looks like I won't be getting those dreads for quite a while. So for the next year or so, I'm going to NEVER get a haircut (not even a trim), and try to stay nice and healthy for maximum hair-growth speed. There's nothing that will make your hair grow faster, but it can sure as hell grow slower if you don't take care of yourself. I've put a piece of paper, a ruler and a pen in my bathroom so I can keep a log of how long my hair is getting. Technically, hair only needs to be about 4 inches in order to dread it, but I'm not really keen on the spiky look it gives you. I'm going to aim for 8-10 inches, or about a year. Also, I'm implementing a ponytail rule: they are to be worn sparingly, and never slept in. I had a TON of breakage from ponytail abuse before I chopped off all my hair, and I don't want that to happen again.
As for what will change when Dread Time comes: I'm going to get them done by a pro. The woman on the forum said it's a good idea, and she's probably right. Also, I will be aware this time of the itchiness and work involved. Plus I've got a couple new tools in my belt: first is a felting needle, and second is a crochet hook. The innerwebs tell me these are pretty effective at maintaining nice, tight, dreadlocks.
My sudden desire to be knotty-headed leads me to my next topic: in which I am a total hippie and a nerd. I don't know what it is lately... It started when I was sick last week, and I made an off-hand remark to Scott about how I was going to look for a cure in one of my witchcraft books. I have several occult books, given to me by my brother back when I was in junior high. I can't let them go. Anyhoo, that led me to go look at them again. I have an almost perverse attraction to all things religious and spiritual. I don't want to practice or follow any of it, I just want to know about it. All of it. So anyways, I'm looking though these books, and reading about crystals, and I'm reminded that my birth month has two birthstones: aquamarine and bloodstone. I've never been fond of aquamarine; it's barely got any color, and it's girly. But bloodstone is something I could get behind! Frederick has a rock shop, Earthly Elements, so I went in a bought a bloodstone. I was even able to find one with a decent splotch of "blood." While I was there, I also got a pendant: it's supposed to help me communicate better. Here they are, my magic hippie crystals:
Ironically, the "communication" crystal is mostly aquamarine. There are two other smaller stones on top of it, but I forgot what they are.
Then, while I was looking at those occult books again, I came across my Tarot instruction book. I dug out my Tarot cards, and looked at the book... I bought them together in 2001 in a crappy little magic shop. Six years later, and I finally crack the book open and learn that it's for a different deck than the one I have (the Rider-Waite deck). Super. So I went to the bookstore and got a new book. So far I've done readings for myself and the dog, using the book the whole time. One day I'll memorize the whole 78 card deck, but it will take a while.
But you see that bag the deck is on? I made that! I decided that my deck needed better clothes than the box they came in, so I went to Joann Fabrics and got a couple fabric remnants (cheap!). I got a red satiny fabric and a black sheer fabric. I also got some cord for a drawstring, and sewed the little sucker up that night!
Not too shabby! Now I just have to learn to cope with being a fortune-telling-hippie-nerd for the rest of my life.
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