Saturday, June 28, 2008

Finally! The Weekend

Work was super frustrating this past week. We were audited (not financially) by a customer, and it was hell. Our department is small, and there was a ton of work to do. Since my coworker speaks English as a second language, I typically get all the computer work dumped on me. This means that for the past week I had the benefit of creating new documents, databases, and other random crap, while my coworker had almost nothing to do. And it all culminated on Thursday, when a crapload of people walked around and pointed out all the things we should be doing better, and watched me over my shoulder while I tried to work (which is really fucking unnerving). It all sucked. I hate it and I hope it never happens again. And if all my extra work doesn't get me FAT raise at my next review, there will be a shitload of passive aggression on my part... and probably also whining, dirty looks, and laziness.

But today was pretty good. I went on my first real motorcycle ride! About a year ago, Scott bought me a helmet, and took me around the parking lot, but I hated it. The bike we were on was practically a dirt bike, and it was so squirrelly that it felt like the stupid thing could fly out from under us at any moment. Now Scott has this new bike (a Suzuki V-strom, if anyone cares), and he first put me on the back to drop off a movie at the Blockbuster down the street. It's much better. This bike is heavier, so it feels more substantial. So today we went for an actual drive. We took the long way to REI (about an hour away) to get a handheld GPS unit. It was really hot (about 95 deg.), especially with riding gear on, but the wind helped cool us off a bit. It was a lot of fun, and once we get the new GPS set up, it will be a blast riding around looking for Geocaches!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Smattering of News

Let me first get this little rant out of the way, so I feel better:
Why is it that every time I'm given one simple, little task at work, it turns into a huge clusterfuck of timesucking jackassary? Why? It totally blows. Next time someone asks me do to "this one, quick, thing" I am going to mentally substitute "multiple frustrating and endless tasks."

Ok, that's better.

So new stuff... we got a table and chairs for deck. It's a really pleasant place to sit, especially in the afternoon when it's breezy. The deck gets full shade after about 2pm so it's nice and cool. One of these days I'm going to bring my spinning wheel out there.

My sister-in-law gave me some plants, but I'm pretty sure I'm killing the shit out of them.
It's actually two plants: a Christmas cactus, and an unidentified leafy plant. When they came to me, the roots were pretty intertwined, and I didn't want to kill them trying to separate them, so they went into the pot together. Maybe not the best plan. The leafy one has lost several leaves since this photo was taken. I'm hoping that it was just the shock of taking two day motorcycle ride with Scott then being thrust into a pot. Time will tell.

Scott got his vasectomy last weekend. It was so freaking awesome. His doctor graduated from Duke in the 50's! He was ancient- but also razor sharp, and his hands were as steady as a rock. He says he's done about thirty thousand vasectomies... that's a lot of experience. And the guy was a riot. He never stopped talking throughout the entire procedure... he went on about guys with crazy tattoos (one guy with an octopus wrapped around his pecker), pierced wieners, whores in Amsterdam, smoking pot, and how he's related (by marriage) to Strom Thurmond. His Carolina accent sounded EXACTLY like Foghorn Leghorn (minus the stutter). Scott says it would be worth getting the procedure done again, just for the entertainment value. We haven't laughed that hard in a long time. The best part was when he said, "One the most common questions is 'When can I have sex again?' I usually tell people that you should at least wait until you get home." And everything was "pecker" and "balls," totally old school.

And lastly, I joined the Venture Bros. Shirt of the Week Club. My first shirt should be arriving next week- I'm so stoked! The first week was a Guild of Calamitous Intent shirt, then a Dr. Killinger shirt, third week was Quiz Boy, and the fourth week goes up Sunday night. I freaking love that show. I hope that shirt gets here soon...